Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) on
metaphase chromosomes
1. preparation of
- incubate a large flask of TOU lymphoblast
cells until the cells are fast growing
- split the flask and add fresh medium,
incubate over night
- add 300 µl colcemid (10
µg/ml) to 30 ml culture medium and incubate the cells 2...2.5
hours at 37°C under CO2
- centrifuge 10 min 1000 rpm, remove the
- add 40 ml 0.4 % KCl and incubate 30 min at
- centrifuge 10 min 1000 rpm, remove the
- wash 4x in 40 ml freshly prepared
fixative (methanol/glacial acetic acid = 3/1)
- store in 10 ml fixative at -20°C
2. preparation of metaphase
- wash the cells with 10 ml freshly prepared
fixative (methanol/glacial acetic acid = 3/1), do not exceed 1000
rpm for the centrifugation
- resuspend the cells in 1...2 ml
- clean the slides with fixative and dry
- drop 20 µl cell suspension on the dry
- (just after evaporation of the fixative
dip the slide in 70 %
acetic acid or fixative, incline the slide and let the acid run off. This
should remove most of the cytoplasm and cell debris but can also
detach the chromosomes.)
- dehydrate the sample in 50 %, 70 % and 96 %
ethanol (2...5 min each)
- air dry
- check the slides for quality and density
of metaphases
3. pretreatment of metaphase
- drop 20 µl RNAse solution (1 ml:
100 µl 20xSSC, 10 µl 10 g/l RNAse, 890 µl ABD) on
the slide, cover with a cover slip or parafilm and incubate 1 hour
in a moist chamber at 37°C
(The existence of a high RNA background can be tested by staining
with propidium iodide. PI with stain both RNA and DNA, DAPI stains
only DNA.)
- wash the slide 5 min in 2xSSC
- dehydrate the sample in 50 %, 70 % and 96
% ethanol (2...5 min each)
- air dry
- prepare a joplin jar with pepsin
solution (100 ml: 4 ml 0.25 N HCl, 50 µl 10 % pepsin, 96 ml
- incubate the slides 30 min at
- wash the slides 5 min in postfixation wash-buffer (100 ml: 10 ml 10xPBS, 2.5 ml 2 M
MgCl2, 87.5 ml ABD) at RT
- incubate the slides 5 min in postfixation
buffer (100 ml: 10 ml 10xPBS, 2.5 ml 2 M MgCl2, 10.8 ml 37 %
Formaldehyde, 76.7 ml ABD) at RT
- wash the slides 5 min in PBS
- dehydrate the sample in 50 %, 70 % and 96 %
ethanol (2...5 min each)
- air dry
- check the slides for quality and density
of metaphases
4. hybridization
satellite and unique
unique + repetitive
- nick translation
of 2 µg probe in 50 µl (e.g. Gibco
- nick translation
of 2 µg probe in 50 µl
- stop reaction
with 5 µl 0.5 M EDTA
- precipitation
with 2 µl salmon sperm DNA (20 g/l), 5.5 µl 3 M
NaOAc, 150 µl EtOH
- -20°C 30
- centrifugation,
wash with 70 % EtOH, air dry
- resolve in 100
µl hybridization buffer (50 % formamide, 2x SSC, 10 %
- stop reaction
with 5 µl 0.5 M EDTA
- precipitation
with 100 µl Cot1 DNA (1 g/l), 2 µl salmon sperm
DNA (20 g/l), 15 µl 3 M NaOAc, 420 µl
- -20°C 30
- centrifugation,
wash with 70 % EtOH, air dry
- resolve in 100
µl hybridization buffer (50 % formamide, 2x SSC, 10 %
- 5 min denaturation in PCR machine
at 80°C
- 5 min on ice
- 30 min pre-annealing at
- apply a total of 10 µl of
probe solution in hybridization buffer (satellite 2
µl, unique 10 µl probe) on slide and cover with
cover slip
- seal the cover slip with rubber
- 5 min denaturation at 75°C
(in-situ PCR chamber)
- 5 min denaturation of metaphase
DNA in 15 µl denaturation puffer (1 ml: 700 µl ultra-pure formamide,
100 µl 20xSSC, 200 µl ABD) at 80°C
(in-situ PCR chamber) covered with cover slip
- 5 min in ice-cold 70% EtOH
- dehydration in 96% EtOH
- air dry on hot plate
- apply the probe, cover and seal
the cover slip with rubber cement
- incubation over night in moist
chamber at 37°C
- incubation over night in moist
chamber at 37°C
5. Detection
- 15 min wash the slides in 200 ml 50%
formamide/2xSSC (42°C for alpha-sat, 37°C other.
Temperature inside the jar!)
- 15 min wash in 200 ml 2xSSC at
- for alpha-sat: wash in 0.1xSSC at
- 15 min wash in 200 ml 4xSSC/0.03 % Tween
20 at 37°C
- apply 10 µl blocking solution (5 % BSA in 4xSSC 0.03 % Tween 20), cover with cover
slip and incubate at 37°C for 30 min
- (centrifuge antibody solution 3
- apply 10 µl antibody solution (recommended dilution in 5 % BSA in 4xSSC 0.03 %
Tween 20), cover with cover slip and incubate at 37°C for 30
- 15 min wash in 200 ml 4xSSC/0.03 % Tween
20 at 37°C
- (centrifuge secondary antibody solution 3 min)
- apply 10 µl secondary antibody
solution, cover with cover slip and
incubate at 37°C for 30 min
- 15 min wash in 200 ml 4xSSC/0.03 % Tween
20 at 37°C
- (centrifuge antibody solution 3
- apply 10 µl antibody solution, cover with cover slip and incubate at 37°C
for 30 min
- 15 min wash in 200 ml 4xSSC/0.03 % Tween
20 at 37°C
- dehydrate the sample in 50 %, 70 % and 96 %
ethanol (2...5 min each)
- air dry
- embedding in 10 µl VECTASHIELD with
DAPI or/and PI