Multiplex Combined Bisulfite Restriction Assay (COBRA)
for BAGE
© 2004 Christoph Grunau, Please cite: Grunau et al. Genes Chromosomes Cancer. 2005 May;43(1):11-24.[REF]
Nested PCR
- First round PCR:
for each PCR use
5 µl 10x buffer
5 µl dNTPs (2mM each)
3 µl MgCl2
0.5 µl primer BS.BAGE32f+ (TttagaggaTTaggagaagggggagT)
0.5 µl primer BS.BAGE1540r+ (AcctAccaAttAAcattAttActAacattA)
1 µl Taq Polymerase
32.5 µl sterile distilled water
2.5 µl bisulfite treated genomic DNA as template
- PCR cycle conditions:
1 x |
94°C 2 min |
5 x |
94°C 1 min |
50°C 2 min |
72°C 3 min |
25 x |
94°C 30 sec |
50°C 2 min |
72°C 1:30 min |
1 x |
72°C 10 min |
1 x |
94°C 2 min |
5 x |
94°C 1 min |
50°C 2 min |
72°C 3 min |
25 x |
94°C 30 sec |
50°C 2 min |
72°C 1:30 min |
1 x |
72°C 10 min |
Check size and quantity of PCR product and absence of
amplification in the negative control by gel electrophoresis.
If everything went all right, do again 2 more second
round PCRs
Purification of PCR product
Quantification of PCR product
Dilute PCR products 10fold in 60 µl (6 µl PCR product
+ 54 µl water)
Measure optical density (OD) at 260 nm (OD1 corresponds to 50 ng/µl DNA)
and calculate concentration of PCR products. Note ration OD280 nm/OD260
nm. If ratio is below 1.8 there is probably an impurity in your preparation
(and quantification is incorrect). If you have more than one sample, adjust
concentration of samples by dilution. Do not dilute to less than 200 ng/µl.
Gel electrophoresis
Prepare 200 ml 2% agarose in 0.5x TBE, weight the solution
before heating, heat to dissolve agarose completely and replace evaporated
water. Add 1 µl ethidiumbromid to 100 ml agarose solution, let cool to approximately
60°C and pour a gel of 50 g agarose solution using combs of 1 mm thickness.
Add 2 µl loading buffer to digest and load the entire
volume on the gel.
Migrate at 80 - 100 V until upper light-blue band (Xylencyanol)
reaches the upper part of the handle. Check under UV if bands are well separated.
Take a picture under UV in 46 cm distance, aperture 2.8. Use expose time
that gives a maximum of intensity without saturation (usually around 1 sec).
Save image to diskette.
Load image into quantification software (ImageQuant 2.1)
and create a profile along the lane covering all visible bands (electropherogram).
Calculate baseline and perform quantification for each peak. Since absolute
values can vary from gel to gel use relative values in % band intensities
for conversion into % methylation. Here, 100% corresponds to the sum of band intensities for all bands observed in a single lane.
Conversion into % Methylation
If the original genomic DNA was methylated, the MboI
digest delivers characteristic bands
at 287 and 241 bp. Theoretical simulation and experimental tests with M.SssI
methylated DNA show that if these bands are occupied by 62.6% of the digested
PCR product, the original genomic DNA was fully methylated at the
investigated site.
For the HphI digest the diagnostic bands lie at 266 and 246 bp. These bands cannot be separated
on the agarose gel. If 16.3% of the digested PCR product are located in
these bands the original genomic DNA was fully unmethylated.
MboI: % methylation = [% band intensity(287 bp) +
% band intensity(241 bp)] * 100 / 62.6
HphI: % methylation = 100 - [(% band intensity(266,246
bp)) * 100 / 16.3]