TOPIC: searches in MethDB
Search for patterns and profiles:
- Methylation patterns (G,A,T,C,5mC sequences) and methylation profiles (degree of
methylation at a cytosine site within a sequence) are sequence specific data. It is
possible to search the database for species, sex, tissue and a gene or locus. A table
is returned with a list of matching records. The [Details]-link brings you to a page
with specific information about the particular experiment and the profile or a list of
methylation patterns.
By definition, one experiment can deliver several patterns but only one profile.
Multiple experiments can be performed on one sample (specimen). If an experimental method
is DNA strand specific, the complement DNA strands are treated as separate samples.
Search for total 5-methylcytosine (5mC) content:
- Species, sex, tissue, phenotype and DNA type of a sample can be searched for.
The database returns a table of matching records together with their total 5mC content
Following the [Proof]-link brings you to the origin of the data, the [Details]-link
provides information about the sample and the experimental procedure used to obtain
the data.
Search for a phenotype:
- The form allows for the connection of given 5mC content data with phenotypes that has been
found to be associated with a particular 5mC content. Provided enough background data is
present, the form might be useful for diagnostic purpose.
Search for an environment:
- Environmental conditions can influence the methylation state of the DNA. The form enables you to search for a keyword concerning the environment the sample was exposed to (name of a chemical reagent, form of diet etc.).
Simple search:
- Does a full text search in the following fields: comment, method name, sample name, restriction enzyme, species name , phenotype, tissue, gene and author by whom the entry was submitted.
The results are sorted by experiment ID in descending order, i.e. most recent entries are shown on top of the list.
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