Since May 2000: Occasional teacher in Pharmaceutical enterprise (Sanofi-Synthelabo):
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), 3 days (18 hours).
Biology, 2.5 days (15 hours): 2 times.
Cellular Biology, 3 days (18 hours): 3 times.
Transgenesis, 2 days (12 hours).
Transgenesis and Gene Therapy, 3 days (18 hours).
Molecular Biology, 2 days (12 hours).
February 2002 - April 2002: teacher ("vacataire" for the University) at the University of Montpellier II (Sciences):
Bioinformatics ("Licence" of Biochemistry - 63 hours).
September 2000 - August 2001: teacher (short term contract of one year; CDD) at the "Lycée Jean Mermoz" of Montpellier:
Microbiology (terminale Sciences et Techniques de Laboratoire), 2 hours/week.
Human Biology (terminal Sciences et Techniques de Laboratoire), 4 hours/week.
Sciences and Techniques of Laboratory (seconde BPL), 3 hours/week.
March 2000 - May 2001: teacher ("vacataire" for the GRETA) at the "Lycée Jean Mermoz" of Montpellier:
Biochemistry (BTS Biochemistry), 2.5 hours/week.
Microbiology (BTS Biochemistry), 1 hour/week.
Molecular and Cellular Biology (BTS Biochemistry), 1 hour/week.
Mars 2000 - May 2000: Occasional teacher for the "Ecole de l'ADN" de Nîmes:
Practical works (PCR technology).
Practical works of Molecular Biology (University of Montpellier 1).
September 1997 - August 1998: Assistant Professor (ATER) at the University of Montpellier 1 (Pharmacy).
40 section (Sciences of the medicament).
Teaching: Laboratory training (TP) of toxicology (4th year studient
in Pharmacy).
March 1997 - August 1998: Assistant Professor (ATER) at the University of Bordeaux 2 (Pharmacy).
40 section (Sciences of the medicament).
Teaching: Laboratory training (TP) of toxicology (5th year studient
in Pharmacy).
May 1995 - December 1995: Occasional teacher in Pharmaceutical enterprise (Roussel - Uclaf):
Molecular and Cellular Biology (63 hours).
January 1995 - September 1995: teacher ("vacataire" for the GRETA 92 Nord)
Chemistry (24 hours).
Biology (20 hours).
December 1987 - June 1988: teacher ("vacataire" for the GRETA Bassin de Montgeron)
Public Health and Prevention (16 hours).