Native chromatin immunoprecipitation (N-ChIP) of Schistosoma mansoni (5/3/2008)

© Christoph Grunau, Céline Cosseau, Abdelhalim Azzi, 2007,

This protocol is based on the protocol of David Umlauf. The authors are grateful to Jerome Buard for help reducing unspecific background.

Figure 1: General scheme

Before everything begins: prepare solutions...

  • 1 M KCl, autoclave
  • 5 M NaCl, filter and autoclave
  • 1 M MgCl, autoclave
  • 1 M Tris/Cl pH 7.4 - 7.6, autoclave
  • 0.5 M EDTA, autoclave
  • 1 M CaCl2, 10 ml, sterile filter or autoclave
  • 100 mM DTT, 1ml (store at -20°C)
  • Roche CompleteProtease Inhibitor (ref: 11 697 498 001)
  • 2.5 M Sodium butyrate (Sigma B5887 1g) (store at 4°C)
  • 25 mM PMSF in isopropanol, 10 ml (store at -20°C)
  • 15 U/µl Micrococccal nuclease (MNase) (USB 70196Y) in sterile 50% glycerol, aliquot to ~10µl and store at -20°C
  • Protein A - sepharose CL-4B (Sigma P3391 250mg) (store at 4°C)
  • agarose gel loading buffer
  • 20% SDS
  • 20 g/l glycogen solution (store at -20°C)
  • 2% NaN2 in water (store at 4°C)
  • micro-dialysis units (Slide-a-Lyzer 3500 D cut-off, Pierce 69550). Note: You can also make your own (much cheaper) micro-dialysis units. For details see here (external link, not tested).
preparation of protein A - sepharose
  1. weight 250 mg protein A - sepharose in 15 ml falcon tube
  2. wash with 10 ml sterile water
  3. centrifuge 10 min at 4000 rpm
  4. remove supernatant
  5. repeat step 3 - 4 four times
  6. add sterile water to 5 ml
  7. optional: add NaN2 to 0.02%

250 mg Protein A - sepharose swells to approx. 1 ml gel and binds approx. 20 mg human IgG. You will need 50 µl of the protein A sepharose homogeneously mixed in its 5 ml water volume per ChIP.

optional if micro dialysis units are not available: preparation of dialysis tubing
  1. cut tubing (e.g. VWR international dialysis tube 0.5 mm) into pieces of 10 - 20 cm length
  2. boil for 10 min in a large volume of 2% (w/v) sodium bicarbonate and 1 mM EDTA
  3. rinse the tubing thoroughly with distilled water
  4. boil for 10 min in 1 mM EDTA
  5. cool and store in this solution at 4°C
  6. before use, wash tubing inside and outside with distilled water

day 1...

  • reserve centrifuge and cool down to 4°C
  • prepare a 2% 0.5x TBE agarose gel with 20 µl slots
  • preheat a water bath to exactly 37°C
  • prepare the following solutions with autoclaved distilled water
2x base buffer
6 ml 1 M KCl 60 mM final 1x
0.3 ml 5 M NaCl 15 mM
0.5 ml 1 M MgCl2 5 mM
20 µl 500 mM EDTA 0.1 mM
1.5 ml 1 M Tris/Cl 15 mM
to 50 ml water  
2 Roche protease inhibitor tabletts


buffer1 (0.3 M sucrose)
2.58 g sucrose
12.5 ml 2x base buffer
50 µl sodium butyrate
100 µl PMSF
125 µl DTT
to 25 ml water

buffer 2
10 ml buffer 1 (0.3 M sucrose)
put on 37°C to allow NP40 to be pipetted into the buffer
80 µl NP40 (cut pipette tip)
put on 37°C to fully dissolve NP40 and put on ice

buffer 3 (1.2 M sucrose) for 3 cell samples
20.55 g sucrose
25 ml 2x base buffer
100 µl sodium butyrate
200 µl PMSF
250 µl DTT
to 50 ml water

MNase digestion buffer
1.1 g sucrose
0.5 ml Tris/Cl
80 µl PMSF
40 µl MgCl2
20 µl sodium butyrate
10 µl CaCl2 (essential for the enzyme)
to 10 ml water
put at 37°C

Dialysis buffer
1mM Tris/Cl, 200 µM EDTA, 200 µM PMSF, 5 mM sodium butyrate
50 µl Tris/Cl
20 µl EDTA
400 µl PMSF
100 µl sodium butyrate
to 50 ml water

  • put all buffer solutions on ice (except MNase buffer)
  • cell lysis
    • aliquote 1500 sporocysts, miracidia or 10-20 adults (stored at -80°C or in liquid nitrogen)
    • adults:
      • remove excess liquid (if any) and resuspend in 1 ml buffer 1, add 1 ml buffer 2 (lysis buffer) and transfer to Dounce
      • homogenize for 3 min with Dounce (pestle A) on ice
      • put on ice 7 min
    • sporocysts or miracidia:
      • centrifuge into Eppendorf tubes, rinse storage tubes with PBS to recover all larvae
      • centrifuge at 4000 rpm, 10 min, 4°C
      • remove supernatant
      • resuspend completely in 1 ml buffer 1
      • do not add human lymphoblast cells as carrier
      • add 1 ml buffer 2 (lysis buffer) and homogenize for 3 min with Dounce (pestle A) on ice
      • put on ice 7 min
    • fill 8 ml buffer 3 into a 50 ml corex centrifugation tube
    • overlay the 8 ml buffer 3 with 1 ml cell suspension so that the tubes are ready for centrifugation 15 min (sporocysts) of 10 min (adults) after buffer 2 has been added to the cells
    • disturb a little bit the interface
    • use 2 corex tubes for the sporocysts sample that is in 2 ml buffer 1+2
    • mark tubes at the exterior side (to know where to look for the nuclei)
    • centrifuge 8500 rpm 20 min 4°C
    • carefully remove supernatant completely
  • MNase digestion
    • resuspend pellet in 1 ml MNase digestion buffer
    • aliquot 500 µl of this suspension in 1.5 ml Eppendorf tubes
    • add 1 µl MNase (15 U) and incubate 4 min at 37°C
    • to stop the reaction add 20 µl 0.5 M EDTA to each 500 µl MNase digest and put the tube on ice
    • centrifuge 13000 g 10 min 4°C
    • transfer the supernatant to a new tube (S1) and keep the pellet (P1)
    • store S1 at -20°C
    • quantify chromatin in S1 by measuring OD at 260 nm in disposable cells against MNase buffer (In general we find about 50 µg/ml DNA in the undiluted S1, OD260/280 values can be bad because there is a lot of protein in the solution. DNA quantification is therefore not precise but sufficient for reproducibility.)
  • Dialysis of P1
    • humidify Slide-a-Lyzer with 50µl dialysis buffer
    • resuspend the pellet P1 in 100 µl dialysis buffer and dialyze overnight at 4°C against 50 ml dialysis buffer with gentle stirring

    • day 2...

    • the next day, transfer dialysed sample to Eppendorf tubes and...
      • centrifuge 13000 g 10 min 4°C
      • transfer the supernatant to a new tube and repeat the centrifugation 2 times
      • supernatant is fraction S2
    • yesterdays supernatant S1...
      • in parallel with the dialyses sample, centrifuge 13000 g 10 min 4°C
      • transfer the supernatant into a new tube and repeat this centrifugation 2 times
    • these triple centrifugations are IMPORTANT! They reduce the unspecific background!
    • use 50 µl of S1 and S2 for phenol/chlorofrom extraction, centrifuge and load 20 µl of supernatant on 2% 0.5x TBE gel (100V, 25 min)
  • incubation with antibody
    • Ideally, the antibody should be in excess over the protein you want to precipitate. The antigen/antibody ration must be determined experimentally for each antibody . Prepare a dilution series of your chromatin in MNase buffer starting with 20 - 40 µg DNA for histon ChIP.
    • Add appropriate amounts of stock solutions to generate the
      antibody incubation buffer
      NaCl 150 mM
      Tris/Cl 20 mM
      sodium butyrate 20 mM
      EDTA 5 mM
      PMSF 100 µM
    • you can download an Excel worksheet for calculation here (v0.1) or here (v1.0)
    • dissolve chromatin from S1 (and S2 if you have dialyzed) in 1 ml buffer
    • add about 2 µg antibody
    • incubate overnight at 4°C on a rotating wheel

day 3...

  • precipitation
    • prepare 50 µl of protein A - sepharose for each tube
    • wash the beads to remove NaN2: short spin, remove supernatant and replace with equal volume of sterile water
    • add 50 µl of protein A - sepharose to each tube
    • incubate at least 4 h at 4°C on a rotating wheel
    • prepare washing buffers (10 ml / tube) and cool down to 4°C:
      washing buffers A B C 50 ml 100 ml 200 ml 300 ml
        Tris/Cl 50 mM 2.5 ml 5 ml 10 ml 15 ml
        EDTA 10 mM 1 ml 2 ml 4 ml 6 ml
        sodium butyrate 5 mM 100 µl 200 µl 400 µl 600 µl
      washing buffer A NaCl 75 mM 750 µl 1.5 ml 3 ml 4.5 ml
      washing buffer B NaCl 125 mM 1.25 ml 2.5 ml 5 ml 7.5 ml
      washing buffer C NaCl 175 mM 1.75 ml 3.5 ml 7 ml 10.5 ml
    • centrifuge chromatin/antibody mixture 10 min 4°C 11600 g
    • keep the supernatant in a 2 ml tube. This is the unbound fraction UB.
    • resuspend the pellet in approx. 1 ml washing buffer A and transfer into a 15 ml Falcon tube containing 9 ml washing buffer A
    • mix for 10 min on a rotating wheel at 4°C (speed 6)
    • centrifuge 10 min 4000 rpm 4°C and pour off supernatant
    • add 10 ml washing buffer B, mix for 10 min on a rotating wheel at 4°C and centrifuge 10 min 4000 rpm 4°C
    • pour off supernatant
    • add 10 ml washing buffer C, mix for 10 min on a rotating wheel at 4°C and centrifuge 10 min 4000 rpm 4°C
    • pour off supernatant
    • centrifuge 10 min 4000 rpm 4°C
    • remove remaining supernatant completely
    • resuspend pellet in 500 µl elution buffer
      elution buffer 10 ml 20 ml
      SDS (20% stock) 1 % 500 µl 1ml
      Tris/Cl 20 mM 200 µl 400 µl
      NaCl 50 mM 100 µl 200 µl
      EDTA 5 mM 100 µl 200 µl
      sodium butyrate 20 mM 80 µl 160µl
      PMSF 100 µM 40 µl 80 µl
      water   to 10 ml to 20 ml
    • transfer suspension to a 1.5 ml Eppendorf tube
    • incubate 15 min at RT on a rotating wheel
    • centrifuge 10 min 11600 g 18°C
    • transfer supernatant to a 1.5 ml Eppendorf tube
    • This is the bound fraction B.
  • DNA extraction
    • extract DNA with phenol/chloroform from fractions B and UB
    • add 1 µl of a 20 g/l glycogen stock solution
    • add NaCl to 250 mM (26 µl and 52 µl) and add 1 volume isopropanol
    • put overnight at -20°C
    • precipitate by centrifugation and wash with 70% ethanol
    • dry the pellet and resuspend in 20 µl 10 mM Tris/Cl or qPCR grade water
    • use 1 µl of this DNA for PCR in 25 µl reactions (quantitative real-time PCR) or 10 µl (PCR)


Cosseau C, Azzi A, Smith K, Freitag M, Mitta G, Grunau C. "Native chromatin immunoprecipitation (N-ChIP) and ChIP-Seq of Schistosoma mansoni: Critical experimental parameters." Mol Biochem Parasitol. 2009;166:70-6. [PubMed]

Umlauf D, Goto Y, Feil R. "Site-Specific Analysis of Histone Methylation and Acetylation" Methods Mol Biol. 2004;287:99-120. [PubMed]

O'Neill LP, Turner BM. "Immunoprecipitation of native chromatin: NChIP." Methods. 2003 Sep;31(1):76-82. [PubMed]