Native chromatin
immunoprecipitation (ChIP)
© Christoph
Grunau, 2004,
This protocol is based on the protocol
of David Umlauf, with contributions of Jerome Buard.
Before everything
begins: prepare solutions...
- 1 M KCl, autoclave
- 5 M NaCl, autoclave
- 1 M MgCl, autoclave
- 1 M Tris/Cl pH 7.4 - 7.6, autoclave
- 0.5 M EDTA, autoclave
- 1 M CaCl2, 10 ml, sterile filter
or autoclave
- 100 mM DTT, 1ml (store at -20°C)
- 1.8 g/l Aprotinin (Sigma A1153
5mg) (store at 4°C)
- 2.5 M Sodium butyrate (Sigma B5887
1g) (store at 4°C)
- 25 mM PMSF in isopropanol, 10
ml (store at -20°C)
- 15 U/µl Micrococccal nuclease
(MNase) (USB 70196Y) in sterile 50% glycerol, aliquot to ~10µl and store
at -20°C
- Protein A - sepharose CL-4B (Sigma
P3391 250mg) (store at 4°C)
- agarose gel loading buffer
- 20% SDS
- 20 g/l glycogen solution (store
at -20°C)
of protein A - sepharose |
- weight 250 mg protein
A - sepharose in 15 ml falcon tube
- wash with 10 ml sterile
- centrifuge 10 min at 4000
- remove supernatant
- repeat step 3 - 4 four
- add sterile water to 5
250 mg Protein A - sepharose
swells to approx. 1 ml gel and binds approx. 20 mg human IgG. You will
need 50 µl of the protein A sepharose homogeneously mixed in its 5 ml water volume per ChIP. |
preparation of dialysis tubing |
- cut tubing (e.g. VWR international
dialysis tube 0.5 mm) into pieces of 10 - 20 cm length
- boil for 10 min in a large
volume of 2% (w/v) sodium bicarbonate and 1 mM EDTA
- rinse the tubing thoroughly
with distilled water
- boil for 10 min in 1 mM
- cool and store in this
solution at 4°C
- before use, wash tubing
inside and outside with distilled water
day 1...
- prepare a 2% 1x SB gel with 20
µl slots
- preheat a water bath to exactly
- prepare the following solutions
with autoclaved distilled water
base buffer |
6 ml |
1 M KCl |
60 mM final 1x |
0.3 ml |
5 M NaCl |
15 mM |
0.5 ml |
1 M MgCl2 |
5 mM |
20 µl |
500 mM EDTA |
0.1 mM |
1.5 ml |
1 M Tris/Cl |
15 mM |
to 50 ml |
water |
(0.3 M sucrose) |
2.58 g |
sucrose |
12.5 ml |
2x base buffer |
50 µl |
Aprotinin |
50 µl |
sodium butyrate |
100 µl |
125 µl |
to 25 ml |
water |
2 |
10 ml |
buffer 1 (0.3 M
sucrose) |
40 µl (for tissue 80µl) |
NP40 (cut pipette tip) |
put on 37°C
to fully dissolve NP40 and put on ice |
3 (1.2 M sucrose) for 3 cell samples |
20.55 g |
sucrose |
25 ml |
2x base buffer |
100 µl |
Aprotinin |
100 µl |
sodium butyrate |
200 µl |
250 µl |
to 50 ml |
water |
digestion buffer |
1.1 g |
sucrose |
0.5 ml |
Tris/Cl |
80 µl |
40 µl |
MgCl2 |
20 µl |
sodium butyrate |
10 µl |
CaCl2 (essential for the enzyme) |
to 10 ml |
water |
- put all buffer solutions on ice
(except MNase buffer)
- cell lysis
- prepare 1x107 cells
in PBS (cells can be stored in liquid nitrogen in 1 ml PBS) in a 2 ml
Eppendorf tube
- centrifuge 2500 rpm 10 min
- remove supernatant
- resuspend pellet in1 ml buffer
- add 1 ml buffer 2 and mix
- put on ice
- fill 8 ml buffer 3 into a
14 ml corex centrifugation tube
- overlay the 8 ml buffer 3
with 1 ml cell suspension so that the tubes are ready for centrifugation
10 min after buffer 2 has been added to the cells
- centrifuge 8500 rpm 20 min
4°C (ideally in a swing-out rotor)
- carefully remove supernatant
- MNase digestion
- resuspend pellet in 1 ml MNase
digestion buffer
- aliquot
500 µl of this suspension in 1.5 ml Eppendorf tubes
- add 1 µl MNase (15 U)
and incubate 30 sec to 8 min at 37°C
- The digestion time
has to be determined experimentally and can be different for each
cell type and each MNase preparation. In order to determine the
optimal digestion time, transfer every minute 100 µl of
the reaction mix into Eppendorf tubes containing 10 µl 0.5
M EDTA on ice.
- Mix 50 µl of
each fraction with 50 µl phenol-chloroform, vortex, centrifuge
and apply 20 µl of the upper phase on the 2% SB
- Run the gel (135V,
25 min).
- Optimal digestion
is achieved when DNA fragments corresponding to 1 - 5 nucleosomes
are visible.
incubation times |
MEL SK23 |
2 min |
BT20 |
2 min |
BT474 |
2 min 30 sec |
GM10323 |
2 min 30 sec |
human fibroblasts |
3 min |
OPM-2 |
2...6 min |
2...6 min |
- to stop the reaction add 20
µl 0.5 M EDTA to each 500 µl MNase digest and put the tube on
- centrifuge 13000 rpm 10 min
- transfer the supernatant to
a new tube
- centrifuge 13000 rpm 10 min
4°C (this step eliminates the background noise of unspecific enrichment of chromatin), repeat this centrifigation step
- transfer the supernatant to
a new tube (S1)
- it can be necessary to remove
chromatin from the pellet by dialysis, in this case prepare 20 ml dialysis
buffer (1mM Tris/Cl, 200 µM EDTA, 200 µM PMSF, 5 mM sodium
butyrate, resuspend the pellet P1 in 550 µl dialysis buffer and
dialyze overnight at 4°C)
- centrifuge 13000 rpm 10
min 4°C
- supernatant is fraction
- use 50 µl of S1 and S2
for phenol/chlorofrom extraction, centrifuge and load 20 µl of supernatant
on 2% SB
gel (135V, 25 min)
- dilute 5µl of S1 1/20
with water and quantify chromatin by measuring OD at 260 nm against 5µl
of MNase digestion buffer in water (In general we find 40-100 µg/ml
DNA in the undiluted S1, OD260/280 values can be bad because there is a
lot of protein in the solution. DNA quantification is therefore not precise
but sufficient for reproducibility.)
- incubation with antibody
- Ideally, the antibody should
be in excess over the protein you want to precipitate. The antigen/antibody
ration must be determined experimentally for each antibody . Prepare a
dilution series of your chromatin in MNase buffer starting with 20 - 40
µg DNA for histon ChIP.
- Add appropriate amounts of
stock solutions to generate the
incubation buffer |
NaCl |
50 mM |
Tris/Cl |
20 mM |
sodium butyrate |
20 mM |
5 mM |
100 µM |
- dissolve chromatin from S1
(and S2 in you have dialyzed) in 1 ml buffer
- add 2 µg antibody
- incubate overnight at 4°C
on a rotating wheel
day 2...
- precipitation
- add 50 µl of protein
A - sepharose to each tube
- incubate at least 4 h at 4°C
on a rotating wheel
- prepare washing buffers (10
ml / tube) and cool down to 4°C:
buffers A B C |
ml |
ml |
ml |
ml |
Tris/Cl |
50 mM |
2.5 ml |
5 ml |
10 ml |
15 ml |
10 mM |
1 ml |
2 ml |
4 ml |
6 ml |
sodium butyrate |
5 mM |
100 µl |
200 µl |
400 µl |
600 µl |
washing buffer A |
NaCl |
75 mM |
750 µl |
1.5 ml |
3 ml |
4.5 ml |
washing buffer B |
NaCl |
125 mM |
1.25 ml |
2.5 ml |
5 ml |
7.5 ml |
washing buffer C |
NaCl |
175 mM |
1.75 ml |
3.5 ml |
7 ml |
10.5 ml |
- centrifuge chromatin/antibody
mixture 10 min 4°C 11600 g
- keep the supernatant in a
2 ml tube. This is the unbound fraction UB.
- resuspend the pellet in approx.
1 ml washing buffer A and transfer into a 15 ml Falcon tube containing
9 ml washing buffer A
- mix briefly and centrifuge
10 min 4000 rpm 4°C
- pour off supernatant
- add 10 ml washing buffer B,
mix briefly and centrifuge 10 min 4000 rpm 4°C
- pour off supernatant
- add 10 ml washing buffer C,
mix briefly and centrifuge 10 min 4000 rpm 4°C
- pour off supernatant
- centrifuge 10 min 4000 rpm
- remove remaining supernatant
- resuspend pellet in 500 µl
elution buffer
buffer |
ml |
ml |
SDS (20% stock) |
1 % |
500 µl |
1ml |
Tris/Cl |
20 mM |
200 µl |
µl |
NaCl |
50 mM |
100 µl |
µl |
5 mM |
100 µl |
µl |
sodium butyrate |
20 mM |
80 µl |
160µl |
100 µM |
40 µl |
µl |
water |
to 10 ml |
to 20 ml |
- transfer suspension to a 1.5
ml Eppendorf tube
- incubate 15 min at RT on a
rotating wheel
- centrifuge 10 min 11600 g
- transfer supernatant to a
1.5 ml Eppendorf tube
- This is the bound
fraction B.
- DNA extraction
- extract DNA with phenol/chloroform
from fractions B and UB
- add 1 µl of a 20 g/l glycogen
stock solution
- add NaCl to 250 mM (26 µl
and 52 µl) and add 1 volume isopropanol
- put overnight at -20°C
- precipitate by centrifugation
and wash with 70% ethanol
- dry the pellet and resuspend
in 20 µl 10 mM Tris/Cl or qPCR grade water
- use 1 µl of this DNA for
PCR in 25 µl reactions (quantitative real-time PCR) or 10 µl
Umlauf D, Goto Y, Feil R. "Site-Specific
Analysis of Histone Methylation and Acetylation" Methods Mol Biol. 2004;287:99-120. [PubMed]
O'Neill LP, Turner BM. "Immunoprecipitation
of native chromatin: NChIP." Methods. 2003 Sep;31(1):76-82. [PubMed]