Installation of Ghostscript on a Macintosh server under MacOS 10.4.8

This procedure worked on a Xserve G5 MacOS 10.4.8 in autumn 2006, actual version numbers of libraries might differ, check for latest version.

Download and install Ghostscript:

% curl -O
% tar -xzf ghostscript-8.54-gpl.tar.gz
% cd ghostscript-8.54-gpl
% ./configure
% make
% sudo make install

Download and install fonts for Ghostscript:

% curl -O
% tar -xzf ghostscript-fonts-std-8.11.tar.gz
% cd /usr/local/share/ghostscript/
% sudo mkdir fonts
% cd
% sudo cp -r fonts/ /usr/local/share/ghostscript/fonts/

Note: MacOS 10.4.x comes already with a postscript to pdf converted (see % man pstopdf)