FISH on Schistosoma mansoni metaphases
Prepare metaphases from intramolluscan stages of Schistosoma mansoni
The protocol is based on H. Hirai and P.T. LoVerde
Parasitology Today, vol. 11, no. 8. 1995
- prepare 50 ml of fixative (ethanol:acetic acid = 3:1)
- dissect 2-3 snails
28-29 days post infection (time might depend on strain)
and prepare sporocysts, remove other tissues if possible
- treat the sporocysts with a 1:10 dilution in distilled
water of Demecolcine in Hank's balanced salt solution (HBSS) (Sigma
D1925), final concentration 1 µg/ml for 20 min at
room-temperature (RT). Demecolcine is less toxic than
- transfer 1 ml of fixative to the sporocysts in Demecolcine
and tease the tissue with needles into small pieces
- transfer into 10 ml in a 15 ml Falcon tube
- triturate the suspension
5 times with a 5 ml syringe and a 18 gauge needle
- leave the tube at room temperature for 10 min to allow
large tissue to settle and transfer only the supernatant to a new 15 ml
Falcon tube
- centrifuge the new tube at 1500 rpm for 5 min at 10°C,
remove supernatant by inversion
- resuspend in fresh fixative
- repeat centrifugation
- make cell suspension using 200-300 µl of fixative
- apply 1 drop of the suspension onto a clean glass slide
- place the slide on a horizontal surface and add 1 drop of
fixative on the preparation just before the fixative dries
- repeat this step
- let dry and observe under a phase contrast microscop
- you should observe at least 2 metaphases per slide
- store the slides at 4°C in a closed container
Prepare probes for repetitive DNA
Prepare biotinylated probes using the BioPrime DNA labeling system
(invitrogen #18094-011). We use PCR products cloned into plasmids.
There is no need to remove the vector, the plasmids can be used
Day 1:
RNAse treatment
for 1 ml:
- 900 µl sterile destilled water
- 100 µl 20x SSC
- 3 µl 30 g/l RNAse (Sigma R4642)
70 µl on each slide, cover with 1x2 cm parafilm, incubate in a
humid chamber at 37°C for 1 hour
Pepsin treatment
for 200 ml:
- 192 ml distilled water
- 8 ml 0.25 N HCl (97.5 ml distilled water + 2.4 ml 37% HCl)
- 100 µl 10% pepsin
incubate in a joplin jar 30 min at 37°C
- 5 min at RT in 70% ethanol
- 5 min at RT in 95% ethanol
- air dry completely
for 200 ml pH 12.5:
- 177 ml distilled water
- 20 ml 20x SSC
- 3.4 ml 3M NaOH
incubate in a joplin jar 4:30
min at RT
dehydrate immediately:
- 5 min at RT in 70% ethanol
- 5 min at RT in 95% ethanol
- air dry completely
for 10 slides prepare
- 180 µl formamide
- 120 µl 30% dextransulfate (Sigma D8906)
- 40 µl 20xSSC
- 10 µl salmon testes DNA (Sigma D9156)
21 µl of this + 4 µl of biotinylated probe
denature at 99°C for 5 min, put in ice immediately, leave on
ice for 5 min
add 25 µl on each slide, cover with a piece of parafilm
incubate over-night at 37°C in a humid chamber
Day 2:
prepare TBST (20 ml 1 M Tris/Cl pH7.5, 30 ml filtered 5M NaCl, 0.5 ml Tween 20, to 1 l with distilled water)
1 wash in 40% formamide, 2xSSC at 42°C, 20 min (temperature
inside the jar!)
1 wash in 2xSSC at 42°C, 20 min
1 wash in 2xSSC at RT, 20 min
Blocking in TBST, 5% milk in the jar at RT for 30 min
add 100 µl of a 1:100 dilution of Streptavidine-FITC (invitrogen #43-4311) (10 µl in
1 ml TBST 5% milk) on each slide
cover with parafilm
incubate in a humid chamber at 37°C for 1 hour
wash twice for 10 min at RT in 200 ml TBST on a shaker
embed in 10 µl vectashield with 5µg/ml propidiumiodide
keep at 4°C until observation
- H. Hirai and P.T. LoVerde Parasitology Today, vol. 11, no. 8. 1995